What does YES stand for?
- YES stands for Youth Expanding Services.
What is the purpose of YES?
- The purpose of the program is to recognize students who have contributed during their high school years to their community through service hours. The idea is for students to be well-rounded and show they can help their community along with managing school and various activities and interests.
Who runs YES?
- The YES program at AHS is run by volunteer parents of the PTO. It is not run by or the responsibility of the school or FBISD.
Who can participate in YES?
- Any student of Austin High School can participate in YES. The program is completely voluntary.
When can I join the YES program?
- You can join at any time during your high school career. Once your contract is on file, you can start accumulating volunteer hours towards the YES certificate. Even if you don't achieve 100 hours of service, you can access your volunteer service log at any time through your grade level coordinator.
Are there any rules we follow for the YES Program?
- We have a well drafted and comprehensive set of YES guidelines which can be found on this website under the Contract & Forms tab. Please read them carefully and if anything is unclear, you can reach out to the YES coordinator assigned to the year of your graduation at the appropriate email address.
Who do we reach out to for questions about the program?
- You can reach out to the coordinator assigned to the year of your graduation at the appropriate email address. Coordinators are available to answer questions throughout the school year.
What are Summer Hours?
- Volunteer hours completed after school closes for the year are counted as summer hours. Any volunteer work done during the summer holiday are counted towards the four year high school limit of 25 summer hours total.
What are regular hours?
- Volunteer hours completed during the school calendar year are counted as regular YES hours.
I was removed from the YES program, why?
- Any student found falsifying their information on their YES hour form will be automatically removed from the YES program. Any student or parent who is rude or intimidating to any YES coordinator, whether in person or via email, will be removed from the YES program.
I found a discrepancy in the hours on the YES summary sheet, what do I do and why did this happen?
- There may be a number of reasons why the hours you turned in were either not accepted or did not show on the most current update. The coordinators may be verifying your hours with the agency, or there may be a backlog causing delays in updating your hours. There may have been information missing on your volunteer hours sheet. Make sure to check your email for any communication about your submissions. The best thing you can do is reach out to the grade level coordinator and ask about your hours. Coordinators do their best to resolve any questions you may have.
Can I call or text my YES coordinator ?
- No. The only form of communication between the student/parent/coordinators is via email.
Do I submit a YES hour form for the same organization multiple times during a month.
- If you work multiple days on a particular project, provide a log of the dates and hours worked and attach it to your YES form. Be sure to have both the log and the volunteer hours form signed by the organization representative.
How long does it take for my hours to be updated on the YES spreadsheet.
- It may take up to two weeks for your hour submission to be published online. Updates are not made over the summer months.
I’ve turned in a few YES forms. Why don’t I see my hours show up on the website?
- There are a few reasons your hours may not show up. To receive credit, you need to have a signed contract on file and your hours must have been completed in accordance with the contract. After your submission of hours, you will receive a reply from your grade level coordinator on the status of the hours, i.e. if they are approved, if additional information is required or if the hours were rejected and the reason why. Please email your grade level coordinator with questions.
Can I submit my YES contract and/or my YES hours via email?
- Yes. Email your completed YES forms/Contract to the email address assigned for your graduating year.